Sunday, October 21, 2007


The Bolex was a little more complicated than the super 8 cameras but not as complicated as the Arri S or the CP16. I like the self loading capabilities that it offers as it was much easier to load than 16mm cameras. I forgot to lock the pressure plate back in when I loaded it and I forgot to reopen the loop formers but I got the hang of it in the end. i am not sure what the practicalities of it are. If you can only shoot continuously for 28 seconds at 24 frames per second I can not imagine who would use it to make a narrative film. There is no capability for en extended take but I guess it could be used for stylistic purposes. I suppose you wouldn't be able to record synchronous sound with it since it doesn't have a crystal motor and the camera itself is very noisy when running.

1 comment:

Six X. One said...

Well, one of the practicalities is that the Bolex is generally a lot cheaper and thus more accessible than the battery opperated models. You're right, sync sound wouldn't work very well (or easily), either.

But, a lot of animators use Bolexes because they're single frame capability is unique. And a lot of filmmakers use them for b-roll or because they don't need sync sound and so they don't need something as expensive as an Arri.

So there are definitely pros and cons.